Prisma Plugin
Best Practice

Considering Customizability

While you can import and use the automatically generated factories directly from ./generated/factories.ts, it is recommended to create a factories directory at a desired location in your project. This allows for easier management and customization of the factories if you want to manually adjust them later.

    • user-factory.ts
    • post-factory.ts
    • profile-factory.ts
    • ...
  • In each file, define the factory and customize it as needed, like so:

    // `db` assumes an instance of `PrismaClient`
    import { db } from "../db";
    import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";
    export const userFactory = await defineUserFactory(db).props({
      // Set a valid email address format as the default value
      email: () => faker.internet.exampleEmail(),

    The reason for this is that automatically generated factories will have default values of the correct type (e.g., strings or numbers) based on the schema file, but they do not consider whether these values have the correct format (e.g., UUIDs or email addresses). For example, if you have an email field and want a default value in the correct email address format, you will need to specify it manually as shown above.

    To use the defined factory, import and use it as usual:

    import { expect, it, describe } from "vitest";
    import { userFactory } from "../factories/user-factory";
    import { isAdmin } from "./is-admin";
    describe("when a user is admin", () => {
      it("returns true", async () => {
        const user = await userFactory.props({ role: () => "admin" }).create();